Growth2Goal Academy AS (G2GAS) har en affiliateavtale og en distribusjonsavtale med det amerikanske og kanadiske selskapet Proctor Gallagher Institute (PGI), Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, og har rett til å markedsføre og selge PGA’s utviklingsprogram.
En affiliate-avtale er en avtale mellom en selger (PGI) og en affiliate (G2GAS), hvor selgeren (PGI) betaler affiliate et provisjonsbasert gebyr for hver kunde eller salg som genereres gjennom affiliate sin markedsføring av selgerens produkter eller tjenester. Affiliate-markedsføring er en form for markedsføring hvor en person eller bedrift (G2GAS) promoterer et annet selskaps produkter eller tjenester (PGI) på sine egne plattformer, som en nettside, blogg eller sosiale medier. Hvis en kunde klikker på en tilknyttet lenke og deretter foretar et kjøp, vil G2GAS motta en provisjon fra PGI, som en del av avtalen.
The Magic in Your Mind Program – som belyser hvordan du kan utvikle dine seks mentale evner.
The Magic in your Mind Program er et seks ukers program, som du kan studere og lære om hvordan du kan utvikle dine seks mentale evner. De er intuisjon, viljestyrke, hukommelse, oppfatning, visualisering og kritisk tenkning. Growth2Goal Academy anbefaler dette programmet til alle av våre kunder.
As someone who is goal-oriented you already know the importance of having positive and productive thoughts. In fact, it’s so important that it’s the barrier between mediocrity and extravagant success. The Magic in your Mind Program, a 6 week program. Study you six mental faculties: your intuition, your perception, your will, your imagination, your memory and your reason, to help you get anything you want.
Three of The World’s Greatest Minds Come Together in this Mind-Expanding 6-Week Coaching:
Sandy Gallagher
After meeting Bob Proctor, Sandy Gallagher, an esteemed banking attorney, created Thinking into Results – the most powerful corporate transformational program of its kind. Sandy is now the Co-Founder, President and CEO of Proctor Gallagher Institute. A genius businesswoman and visioneering expert committed to improving the conscious awareness of the entire world, one individual at a time.
Bob Proctor
For more than half a century, Bob Proctor has been the foremost authority in the personal and professional development field. Bob Proctor has dedicated his adult life to helping a world of individuals realize and act on the greatness they already possess within themselves. He’s widely regarded as the grandfather of personal development, and when it comes to mastering the mind – he is simply the best.
Mary Morrissey
Long-time friend of Bob’s, Mary Morrissey brings spirituality, self-help, and psychology together as one of the world’s leading thinkers. Among all her achievements and degrees in higher learning, Mary’s favorites are the two black belts she has earned, one in Success, and the other in Failure. Together these three master thinkers make an incredible and dynamic team.
Product Features
Over the course of six weeks, Bob, Mary and Sandy will introduce you to some of the most earth-shaking and truly life-changing ideas you’ve ever heard about tapping into the power of your mind by learning to think in an orderly and creative manner.
Here’s how this step by step, three-in-one coaching program works:
Each week, you’ll get an audio coaching lesson on one of the six faculties from Bob and Mary. Each session provides in-depth insight into what each faculty is, how you can use it to improve the quality of your life and ways to develop it.
Sandy will send you a video lesson and exercise every single day. The daily lessons provide additional insights and specific techniques to take you further toward understanding, developing and actively using each faculty.
By the end of each week, you will not only have developed one of your faculties, you’ll also know when and how to use it in a more effective and rewarding way.
This coaching program isn’t about theory or wishing and hoping. It is about actively and deliberately changing your thoughts so you can create the life you want right now.